Home Studio’s are such a hot topic.

Not long ago, the voiceover industry was studio-based, requiring companies to book professional studios for every recording session. But lockdown changed this.

As businesses shifted online, so did the voiceover industry. Companies could only hire voice actors who could record from home so VO’s were rushing out to buy mics.

This shift made the industry more accessible - proving that high-quality recordings could be done from home for clients all over the world. However, it has also meant some clients have now come to expect more from the VO in terms of post production.

Whilst some VO actors have a complete set up and the technical ability to edit, many others do not. Recording remotely does not replace the need for a professional studio with an engineer for every type of job.

Unless otherwise agreed, the VO is there to provide the voice only. If the session will involve clients in attendance we always recommend using a studio with an audio engineer, whether that’s physically or virtually.

So whether you have a fully sound proofed booth already or have been using a mic under a duvet, we have a couple of handy guides for you to build a low cost set up to record remotely:

VirtualVOStudio - How to set up your remote VoiceOver Studio

CreateMyVoiceReel - Recommended equipment list and Guide to home recording